View Full Version : Webtv Audio Track Change

10-16-2012, 12:14 PM
I am running the latest PKteam image on my anaconda. in the web interface I can select webtv and it will open a VLC pugin screen and I can select a channel to watch......problem is you can't select an audio stream. Is there a way to change the audio track? i like to watch the NFL on Sundays on G28...and stream the 4:2:2 to web tv. Only problem is that audio 1 is all static. I again think this is a scanning/pid problem with the E2 image...because I think it is scanning in the video as an audio channel as well. Anyway when I use the webtv I get great picture, but the sound is all static and I see no way to change it. Is there code we can type in to manually change it? Thanks for the help....!!!!

el bandido
10-16-2012, 05:38 PM
I have not seen an audio selection in streaming, but this does not mean that one is not available.
As a workaround, Have you tried entering the audio pid that you want using the channel editor? Seems like this would work providing you know the correct audio pid.

10-20-2012, 05:08 PM
Thanks EB. yes I have tried that. I think I mentioned it in my ac3 post. When you change the audio pid that channel will not stream atleast not for me. I did find this code work that a guy did that is suppossed to cycle thru the audio pids. I'll post the link here: [Only registered and activated users can see links] however I'm not sure where to put the code inside the structure of the vlc pop up code. I think you are better at the code structure stuff than me :) let me know...he says it works.......