View Full Version : Morly's SH4 STB Admin Tool v1.4 for E2

08-09-2013, 12:07 AM
Morly's SH4 STB Admin Tool v1.4
(by morly 2012/13)
Dear user,
welcome to Morly's SH4 STB Admin Tool.
This software was originally written to manipulate (change bootargs, install images, ...) the UFS 910 under Linux.
Very soon other boxes found the way into the software. Be aware that not every functions fits well to your box (e.g. manipulating bootargs).

Just tried it and it works in Windows Xp. It will display your usb stick or internal hard drive so that you can create a movie or swap partition, or up to 14 partitions in ext. You can also use it to backup your images if your stick is large enough.

BE CAREFUL!!! It gives NO warning whatsoever once you click the ok button to create a partition, any data on the disk will be GONE!!! So, if you have any movies stored on your drive, BACKUP FIRST!!!

To install in Windows XP, unzip SH4_STB_Admin_Tool_Morly_v1.4_WINDOWS.zip to any directory. Then unzip
SH4_STB_Admin_Tool_Morly_v1.4_DLLs.zip and copy the *.dll files to the first unzipped directory.

08-12-2013, 02:59 PM
Morly also has versions for Linux and Mac in his support thread at HDMU. More features are added with each point release.

11-02-2013, 05:56 PM

11-27-2013, 01:27 AM

Tool is working fine. But when I want to make a flash back-up of my spark box with HDMU image .
The tool restart the box by step 2 and stops making the back-up .

How can I fix problem?


06-15-2016, 07:53 AM
thank you for the programme
i am sorry t dont speak a good English