View Full Version : Vu+ Duo2 and Vu+Solo2 Tuners

11-05-2016, 05:55 AM
Playing around this morning with both receivers along with the TBS5925 tuner on 101 W cband. The Duo2 in my area will not pick up Heroes, Movies and the Decades channels with it's built in tuners. The Solo2 picks those channels up with it's built in tuners with out a hickup. Image used on both receivers is OpenATV dated Nov 05 2016. Interesting.

el bandido
11-05-2016, 08:37 AM
They charge us a lot of money for these receivers, then give us crap tuners! I do not think the new expensive FBC tuners from Vu work any better for us either.

11-05-2016, 01:18 PM
EB I always thought a tuner was a tuner. On the Solo2 they are built in, the other are purchased separately so improvements could be updated if they wanted to. Kind of disappointing about the quality here. Thanks for the TBS tuners to step up and fill the void and most importantly for the work you have done and others, to get these working on the enigma2 images here in NA.

el bandido
11-05-2016, 06:39 PM
Athoik, Heuvos, and others have developed the images to accept the TBS 5925. I appreciate what they have done!

I have an AzBox Premium Plus clone. It has the same jittery video issues on some transponders as the original AzBox. Installing the Sundtek usb tuner causes this issue to disappear. A tuner can make or break a receiver and is one of the most important pieces.