View Full Version : Log For transponders & Channels Found in Service Scan

el bandido
12-08-2018, 09:41 PM
We have a log for transponders that is generated after each blindscan. I thought it would be nice to have a log file that shows the scanned transponders and found channels in a Service Scan. A log file that contains these things can be made by altering the Service Scan python file.

Here is what the results look like:

I also wanted these logs put into a folder on my computer. I made a network folder in the computer, and told the receiver to use that folder as a hard drive. This is a great system to have if you like to see all the channels that were found in a scan, plus the transponders that were scanned.

Enigma2 is a great operating system. The limits are endless if you use your imagination. Attached is a test file of a Service Scan. This file is best viewed using notepad++, but any text editor should also work.

12-09-2018, 04:40 PM
Hey EB, where would the Service Scan python file live?

el bandido
12-09-2018, 06:02 PM
ServiceScan.pyo files exist in two places, but the one in Components has the most options for mods.
(1) /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components
(2) /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens

The log files I am getting the receiver to generate can have several uses. These logs are printable, and they can be very useful to find out why receiver A has more channels than receiver B.

12-09-2018, 06:08 PM
Yes I really like the report you were getting after the service scan

12-09-2018, 08:21 PM
Hey EB, I decompiled the ServiceScan.pyo file and expected info regarding my last service scan but instead got this...

# Embedded file name: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ServiceScan.py
from enigma import eComponentScan, iDVBFrontend, eTimer
from Components.NimManager import nimmanager as nimmgr
from Tools.Transponder import getChannelNumber

class ServiceScan:
Idle = 1
Running = 2
Done = 3
Error = 4
DonePartially = 5
Errors = {0: _('error starting scanning'),
1: _('error while scanning'),
2: _('no resource manager'),
3: _('no channel list')}

def scanStatusChanged(self):
if self.state == self.Running:
self.lcd_summary and self.lcd_summary.updateProgress(self.scan.getProgr ess())
if self.scan.isDone():
errcode = self.scan.getError()
if errcode == 0:
self.state = self.DonePartially
self.state = self.Error
self.errorcode = errcode
result = self.foundServices + self.scan.getNumServices()
percentage = self.scan.getProgress()
if percentage > 99:
percentage = 99
message = ngettext('Scanning - %d%% completed', 'Scanning - %d%% completed', percentage) % percentage
message += ', '
message += ngettext('%d channel found', '%d channels found', result) % result
transponder = self.scan.getCurrentTransponder()
network = ''
tp_text = ''
if transponder:
tp_type = transponder.getSystem()
if tp_type == iDVBFrontend.feSatellite:
network = _('Satellite')
tp = transponder.getDVBS()
orb_pos = tp.orbital_position
sat_name = str(nimmgr.getSatDescription(orb_pos))
except KeyError:
sat_name = ''

if orb_pos > 1800:
orb_pos = 3600 - orb_pos
h = _('W')
h = _('E')
if '%d.%d' % (orb_pos / 10, orb_pos % 10) in sat_name:
network = sat_name
network = '%s %d.%d %s' % (sat_name,
orb_pos / 10,
orb_pos % 10,
tp_text = {tp.System_DVB_S: 'DVB-S',
tp.System_DVB_S2: 'DVB-S2'}.get(tp.system, '')
if tp_text == 'DVB-S2':
tp_text = '%s %s' % (tp_text, {tp.Modulation_Auto: 'Auto',
tp.Modulation_QPSK: 'QPSK',
tp.Modulation_8PSK: '8PSK',
tp.Modulation_QAM16: 'QAM16',
tp.Modulation_16APSK: '16APSK',
tp.Modulation_32APSK: '32APSK'}.get(tp.modulation, ''))
tp_text = '%s %d%c / %d / %s' % (tp_text,
tp.frequency / 1000,
{tp.Polarisation_Horizontal: 'H',
tp.Polarisation_Vertical: 'V',
tp.Polarisation_CircularLeft: 'L',
tp.Polarisation_CircularRight: 'R'}.get(tp.polarisation, ' '),
tp.symbol_rate / 1000,
{tp.FEC_Auto: 'AUTO',
tp.FEC_1_2: '1/2',
tp.FEC_2_3: '2/3',
tp.FEC_3_4: '3/4',
tp.FEC_3_5: '3/5',
tp.FEC_4_5: '4/5',
tp.FEC_5_6: '5/6',
tp.FEC_6_7: '6/7',
tp.FEC_7_8: '7/8',
tp.FEC_8_9: '8/9',
tp.FEC_9_10: '9/10',
tp.FEC_None: 'NONE'}.get(tp.fec, ''))
if tp.system == tp.System_DVB_S2:
if tp.is_id > tp.No_Stream_Id_Filter:
tp_text = '%s MIS %d' % (tp_text, tp.is_id)
if tp.pls_code > 0:
tp_text = '%s Gold %d' % (tp_text, tp.pls_code)
elif tp_type == iDVBFrontend.feCable:
network = _('Cable')
tp = transponder.getDVBC()
tp_text = 'DVB-C %s %d / %d / %s' % ({tp.Modulation_Auto: 'AUTO',
tp.Modulation_QAM16: 'QAM16',
tp.Modulation_QAM32: 'QAM32',
tp.Modulation_QAM64: 'QAM64',
tp.Modulation_QAM128: 'QAM128',
tp.Modulation_QAM256: 'QAM256'}.get(tp.modulation, ''),
tp.symbol_rate / 1000,
{tp.FEC_Auto: 'AUTO',
tp.FEC_1_2: '1/2',
tp.FEC_2_3: '2/3',
tp.FEC_3_4: '3/4',
tp.FEC_3_5: '3/5',
tp.FEC_4_5: '4/5',
tp.FEC_5_6: '5/6',
tp.FEC_6_7: '6/7',
tp.FEC_7_8: '7/8',
tp.FEC_8_9: '8/9',
tp.FEC_9_10: '9/10',
tp.FEC_None: 'NONE'}.get(tp.fec_inner, ''))
elif tp_type == iDVBFrontend.feTerrestrial:
network = _('Terrestrial')
tp = transponder.getDVBT()
channel = getChannelNumber(tp.frequency, self.scanList[self.run]['feid'])
if channel:
channel = _('CH') + '%s ' % channel
freqMHz = '%0.1f MHz' % (tp.frequency / 1000000.0)
tp_text = '%s %s %s %s' % ({tp.System_DVB_T_T2: 'DVB-T/T2',
tp.System_DVB_T: 'DVB-T',
tp.System_DVB_T2: 'DVB-T2'}.get(tp.system, ''),
{tp.Modulation_QPSK: 'QPSK',
tp.Modulation_QAM16: 'QAM16',
tp.Modulation_QAM64: 'QAM64',
tp.Modulation_Auto: 'AUTO',
tp.Modulation_QAM256: 'QAM256'}.get(tp.modulation, ''),
'%s%s' % (channel, freqMHz.replace('.0', '')),
{tp.Bandwidth_8MHz: 'Bw 8MHz',
tp.Bandwidth_7MHz: 'Bw 7MHz',
tp.Bandwidth_6MHz: 'Bw 6MHz',
tp.Bandwidth_Auto: 'Bw Auto',
tp.Bandwidth_5MHz: 'Bw 5MHz',
tp.Bandwidth_1_712MHz: 'Bw 1.712MHz',
tp.Bandwidth_10MHz: 'Bw 10MHz'}.get(tp.bandwidth, ''))
elif tp_type == iDVBFrontend.feATSC:
network = _('ATSC')
tp = transponder.getATSC()
freqMHz = '%0.1f MHz' % (tp.frequency / 1000000.0)
tp_text = '%s %s %s %s' % ({tp.System_ATSC: _('ATSC'),
tp.System_DVB_C_ANNEX_B: _('DVB-C ANNEX B')}.get(tp.system, ''),
{tp.Modulation_Auto: _('Auto'),
tp.Modulation_QAM16: 'QAM16',
tp.Modulation_QAM32: 'QAM32',
tp.Modulation_QAM64: 'QAM64',
tp.Modulation_QAM128: 'QAM128',
tp.Modulation_QAM256: 'QAM256',
tp.Modulation_VSB_8: '8VSB',
tp.Modulation_VSB_16: '16VSB'}.get(tp.modulation, ''),
freqMHz.replace('.0', ''),
{tp.Inversion_Off: _('Off'),
tp.Inversion_On: _('On'),
tp.Inversion_Unknown: _('Auto')}.get(tp.inversion, ''))
print 'unknown transponder type in scanStatusChanged'
if self.state == self.DonePartially:
self.foundServices += self.scan.getNumServices()
self.text.setText(ngettext('Scanning completed, %d channel found', 'Scanning completed, %d channels found', self.foundServices) % self.foundServices)
if self.state == self.Error:
self.text.setText(_('ERROR - failed to scan (%s)!') % self.Errors[self.errorcode])
if self.state == self.DonePartially or self.state == self.Error:
self.delaytimer.start(100, True)

def __init__(self, progressbar, text, servicelist, passNumber, scanList, network, transponder, frontendInfo, lcd_summary):
self.foundServices = 0
self.progressbar = progressbar
self.text = text
self.servicelist = servicelist
self.passNumber = passNumber
self.scanList = scanList
self.frontendInfo = frontendInfo
self.transponder = transponder
self.network = network
self.run = 0
self.lcd_summary = lcd_summary
self.scan = None
self.delaytimer = eTimer()

def doRun(self):
self.scan = eComponentScan()
self.frontendInfo.frontend_source = lambda : self.scan.getFrontend()
self.feid = self.scanList[self.run]['feid']
self.flags = self.scanList[self.run]['flags']
self.networkid = 0
if 'networkid' in self.scanList[self.run]:
self.networkid = self.scanList[self.run]['networkid']
self.state = self.Idle
for x in self.scanList[self.run]['transponders']:

def updatePass(self):
size = len(self.scanList)
if size > 1:
txt = '%s %s/%s (%s)' % (_('pass'),
self.run + 1,

def execBegin(self):
self.scan.statusChanged.get().append(self.scanStat usChanged)
self.state = self.Running
err = self.scan.start(self.feid, self.flags, self.networkid)
if err:
self.state = self.Error
self.errorcode = 0

def execEnd(self):
if self.scan is None:
if not self.isDone():
print '*** warning *** scan was not finished!'
self.scan.statusChanged.get().remove(self.scanStat usChanged)
self.scan = None
if self.run != len(self.scanList) - 1:
self.run += 1
self.state = self.Done

def isDone(self):
return self.state == self.Done or self.state == self.Error

def newService(self):
newServiceName = self.scan.getLastServiceName()
newServiceRef = self.scan.getLastServiceRef()
self.servicelist.addItem((newServiceName, newServiceRef))
self.lcd_summary and self.lcd_summary.updateService(newServiceName)

def destroy(self):
self.state = self.Idle
if self.scan is not None:
self.scan.statusChanged.get().remove(self.scanStat usChanged)
self.scan = None

el bandido
12-22-2018, 11:53 AM
Good Job!
That is the python code for the ServiceScan, and it needs to be modified. I have been working a bit more on this project and now have it working pretty good. Attached are blindscans comparing the OS Mini receiver to the Nino Pro. The Nino Pro does better on most satellites, but it loses transponders on 101w,103w, and 105w. I made this blindscan zip file so the problem may be fixed or studied.

There is a plugin that can be installed using telnet that will de-compile many of the python files.

Since most of the python files in the receiver are not de-compiled (.py) the receiver will only update the python .pyo files. If you alter the ServiceScan, and put the altered .py file in the correct folder then the altered file will survive an online update. I use this trick a lot in various forms.

I can send you what I have altered if you want to try it, but it is set up for SatDreamGr image. It should also work on OpenPLi, but will only work partially on OE Aliance images. Altered files can also be put into the image itself as posted about in another thread.