Each image seems to have things that stand out, depends on what is important to you. OpenATV is a great image, my favorite. OpenVIX has all the channel info and more on the main screen,I like that wish openATV would do the same. All cannel, transponder and box info can be found in the menus if you go looking. Just loaded egami ver 8 and was sort of set back, awesome. seems to be an all right image for the Octagon box havent had any real time to check it out but what I see so far I like. It depends on what bare essentials one is happy with and of course the plugins can be downloaded to suit one's interest. EB said that a lot of plugins and drivers are in the process of being rewritten for this box so we must wait for a while. I now have a 4K tv coming on Monday, man am I spoiled and am loving it.