The SF8008 Supreme is an updated or "warmed over" version of the previous SF8008. The only real difference in the two Sf8008 models is satellite tuner or demod, and the ability to have internal hard drive(SSD). The kernel for the sf8008's is a 2016 model. Apparently Octagon or the real maker of the box was too lazy to update the kernel, figuring it would sell the same I guess.

The PULSe 4K has the same blindscan design as the DreamBox One model.
Blindscan works correctly, and is fairly decent in the DreamBox One. The Blindscan Plugin is nothing more than an interface for the blindscan feature in the receiver. It may be possible to improve the PULSe blindscan by improving the blindscan plugin module the PULSe 4K uses. There are two blindscan modules in the blindscan plugin. The blindscan plugin module is different for the SF8008. So you may be able to work on the Pulse 4 K blindscan module and get some sort of performance increase for the PULSe 4K. But No One wants to do it....