id wait to buy this box if the blind scan is slow and gets stuck or hangs then moves on that means by the time the boxs finishes the scan its over most of what id find might be finished...since im NOT! into C Band and I like lots of live feeds on ku sats i have fixed dishes and if this box wont let me use 1.1 and 1.0 like i use now then 1.2 disec set wont cut it? i use an open box s9 i run 17 fixed sats on 3 dishes i dont think using the 1.2 on the geiko would work?

on my set up for open box i use one 8 disec swich 1.1 then on 3 of the ports i use 3 more single disecs disecs that have four setting on them using disec 1.0 the open box lets me do this.... this way i have 17 lnb's all together on my open box.

and no power off switch thats not good.. sure you can plug it to a cord that you shut off i guess.

my guess in time this box will come along i blind scan a lot i time on how long it takes on the sats that have a lot of live feeds and if you go over say 4 minutes in a blind scan you can miss most of what you scanned in...

i also care about accuracy and do test out many of these firmware for the open box and time them against each other i also DONT THINK! comparing a blind scan using 97 w as anything for speed since its not the type of sat that finds feeds like sat trucks sports games live shots breaking news. remote locations police chases helicpoter shots in the morning like on 99w ku and 103w ku many mornings

i always see on many folks comparing blind scanning to 97w why? its the same what 260 channels somthing in the clear same ole with a once in the while feed with a 6111 symbol rate or a new station launching thats not what one should compare blind scan speed and accuracy to.... for theses lines of fta boxs!

want accuracy speed try 72 w ku in the mornings see if you get in a blind scan all the ones like the 11704v 11711v 11717v etc like if there are 4 or five active does it pick it up in the blind scan rather than some get missed but if you check you tp there active...

also on 72w every morning till 10 am the three spanish telumundo and live feed of washington 12024 v 3197 12028v 3197 12033v 3197 these three are tough to blind scan in if your not pegged and only play to around 10am only mon- fri so not on sat or sunday i average around 3.24 mnutes on this 72w i know there are a few more tp on this sat i didnt write like the h's the religous which i find and the hd feeds also in the 11717 and above range in hd using a symbol rate of 4600 etc. h 264

Here is another good sat to compare blind scan speed and accuracy in ku band 91w ku which is also a sat one should compare blind scan speed and accuracy also live feeds and in most cases takes over 4 minutes to blind scan to five minutes.

and with most boxs say like the pansats of old 2500 2700 3500 etc forgot it over 10 minutes 15 minutes on 91w ku.

blind scan 91 w ku with this gekko or any of these new geko type brands any of them beat 8 minutes lol. of course most of you folks are c banders probaly not pegged on ku sats like me. blind scan mornings8am to 10 am est or 4pm to 10pm est for max tp on most of these sats like 91w or99w or 72w ku.

99w would be another great sat to compare blind scan speeds in ku this sat also has a shit load of feeds more than any one in the ku line most days try hitting a blind scan on 99 ku say from 5 pm est to around 9 pm see how many show up lots! i also average around 3. 2 to 3.5 minutes in a blind scan .

i guess im a rare breed after reading here and most of these places around fta sites you folks are all mainly mostly c band. so since i aim at pretty much every ku sat in the sky and tweek the shit out of them cause i dont like miss somthing i can just get enough quailty to just be above pixlation and picture is what i strive for and blind scanning is VERY IMPORTANT speed accuracy and not judging 97w anymore as a sat to compare blind scans in ku just cause it has so many channels there channels mainly beefed up high quaity nothing new if you blind scan it again in five minutes

87w ku does it find the 12009 h i guess telemundo any of the line do they blind scan it? across the board anconda etc...?

my open box does not blind scan it in using any thing i can put on it so i thouhgt except the modded bin from dr zinn for the modded s10 bin this one and only one does blind scan it in! using my open box s9.... but this bin is work in progress but not a regular download bin like we are use to..

since i dont do c band i guess there isnt a lot of live feeds that pop up in blind scans fast like the stuff on ku i dont know and maybe more than 6 minute or 8 or 10 is not important to c banders again not my world..

but most sats again i aim at in a blind scan will finish between 3and 4 minutes except somtimes 91w ku and for the record 97w takes just under 3 minutes to around 3.25 and yes every tp so i guess i just have my open box s9 with its cheap stuff inside from the orient just like every one elses box brand name from the orient but mine works! trick here is every ones box needs to be tweeked even with this brand the s9 has been around a while now its not pefect but does a very good job for what i need.... blind scans in one step not 2 anybody who ever had the pansat line knows how long a 2 step blind scan takes..

here send me one of theses geicos lol i wil test the shit out of it on all my ku sats 72w 83w 85w 87w 89w 91w 93w 95w 97w 99w 101w 103w 105w also 61.5 77 110 119 circular for the hidden pids.. except 77w i cant do turbo with the open box. then i will mail the box back to you folks

o yea dont send me one until they tackle the 1.2 stuff so this box has good hdmi good picture you can edit stuff inside like pids ok plus but if you cant work well with editing sats adding sats or in my case 17 fixed sats (unless i just dont know 1.2disec settings) might not even work...

thank you for the review of this box pixl this box needs work at least for me to ever buy it or set me straight with many points here in this long winded post a bout geko and this new line like the 1.2 stuff i dont understand for my set up like many of these boxs folks deisres might get tackled like improving blind scan and things down the road i waited for the open box for around a year till it was better to buy again for my wants. and im sure there has to be folks close to my wants in blind scanning and settings. etc who do both c band and ku band.