The following posts will deal with the actual adjustments to make to get your dish to track the arc. Due to the length of the info this will be spread out over a few posts. It is advised to read through all the info before attempting to align the dish. Alignment of the dish will take time so plan to have an afternoon of good weather, (Maybe even a weekend,) so you can concentrait on what you are doing and take your time. Remember to make small adjustments. By small I mean only a quarter turn on bolts at a time when fine tuning. You will not actually see the dish move doing these small final adjustments, however it does move and can be the difference between a signal and no signal. Moving the dish a hair down here can be a hundred miles by the time the distance to the bird is covered. If you don't seem to get anywhere, take a break and get away from it. Come back later starting from the beginning and try again. Clear thinking and progressive adjustments will get you the best possible signal. Have a great day!