There are many different skins available for installation in TNAP-3 images. Some of these skins will work better than others, and some skins are older than others. Just because a skin is new does not mean it is great, and just because a skin is old does not make it a poor performer.

Most of the newer skins ( 5 years old or less) will have more features, and will usually display a bit better than older skins. Many skins have dependencies, and will not have all available features unless these dependencies such as weather plugins and bit rate plugins are installed.

Some skins may not be loaded together or exist at the same time on a receiver. This is due to the skins having the same or similar files, and enigma2 will not normally overwrite an existing file unless specifically instructed to do so.

Skins can cause issues in the receiver which may include crashing of enigma2, freezing of keys, blank screens,boot-looping, and/or loss of receiver control. The skins that are available in TNAP-3 images have been tested to boot and work. It may be possible that one day a skin gives problems where none existed before, so it is Highly Suggested to perform a full backup of the existing image before installing any skins. There are several ways to delete or disable a problem skin, but having a full image backup that can be immediately restored is the best to have.

Skins may be displayed and discussed in this thread. If you have questions, ask them before installing anything. EB