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  1. Collapse Details
    Webtv Audio Track Change
    Data di iscrizione
    May 2012
    Post Grazie / Mi piace
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    I am running the latest PKteam image on my anaconda. in the web interface I can select webtv and it will open a VLC pugin screen and I can select a channel to watch......problem is you can't select an audio stream. Is there a way to change the audio track? i like to watch the NFL on Sundays on G28...and stream the 4:2:2 to web tv. Only problem is that audio 1 is all static. I again think this is a scanning/pid problem with the E2 image...because I think it is scanning in the video as an audio channel as well. Anyway when I use the webtv I get great picture, but the sound is all static and I see no way to change it. Is there code we can type in to manually change it? Thanks for the help....!!!!
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  2. Collapse Details
    Data di iscrizione
    Dec 2010
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Post Grazie / Mi piace
    I have not seen an audio selection in streaming, but this does not mean that one is not available.
    As a workaround, Have you tried entering the audio pid that you want using the channel editor? Seems like this would work providing you know the correct audio pid.
    Meine Dreambox One ist ein Stück Scheiße!.
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  3. Collapse Details
    Data di iscrizione
    May 2012
    Post Grazie / Mi piace
    Thanks EB. yes I have tried that. I think I mentioned it in my ac3 post. When you change the audio pid that channel will not stream atleast not for me. I did find this code work that a guy did that is suppossed to cycle thru the audio pids. I'll post the link here: [Solo gli utenti registrati e attivati possono vedere i link. ] however I'm not sure where to put the code inside the structure of the vlc pop up code. I think you are better at the code structure stuff than me let me know...he says it works.......
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