OK, so I will put the multiboot image for TNAP-2 on my slot 1.

And, to clarify my thinking, I assume it's not good to put an emmc image onto sots 2-4?
I have looked around for images for the mio and have found only 2 specific to multiboot (TNAP-2 & Open PLI)
Others I've found for the mio have been emmc or usb....
I also have an sf4008 & sf8008, for these there are images found specific for backup, which I have used on the multiboot...
That being said, I'm sure I have put regular images on the Octagon multiboots? Which at times has worked and other times crashed.
So, I guess the/my question is:
Is it OK to put a regular emmc image on multiboot slots 2-4?
