It might be a good idea to check the files that are inside the vuplus folder and make sure they are correct. Also make sure the image that was downloaded is actually for the Zero 4K and not for the Zero.

There was an issue where transponders located around 4 MHz apart were being logged in blindscan but not being processed in Service scan. Code has been changed in SatDreamGr image to allow scanning of transponders 2 MHz apart. If two transponders are logged 1 MHz apart, then the second transponder will be deleted. This is done to stop duplicate channels.
Code change is here:
--- a/lib/dvb/scan.cpp
+++ b/lib/dvb/scan.cpp
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ int eDVBScan::sameChannel(iDVBFrontendParameters *ch1, iDVBFrontendParameters *c
int diff;
if (ch1->calculateDifference(ch2, diff, exact))
return 0;
- if (diff < 4000) // more than 4mhz difference?
+ if (diff < 2000) // more than 2mhz difference?
return 1;
return 0;
I appreciate the work of Athoik and the others at SatDreamGr who have made these changes possible!
This change is available Now using online update.